Golden Smoothie Bowl

Beds are a glorious thing. I, for one, have been confined to mine for the past three days due to some version of the flu. I've quarantined myself in my room with nothing but seltzer and endless episodes of The Vampire Diaries, which, despite its over dramatic acting and emo choice of music, I can't stop watching.

Remember: Judge not lest ye be judged. 

While I'm looking to TVD to cure my flu woes, I turn to this beauty for a lot of other healing properties. This golden smoothie bowl has become one of my staples, especially for when I am having a GERD flare-up. It cures my acid reflux in no time, and is honestly one of my favorite smoothies to date. Bee pollen is always a good addition. Always. It may look expensive when you're at the grocery, but it lasts for ages as you only need a few teaspoons in each recipe. I highly recommend it. It can (not necessarily proven) help with strength and stamina, rebuilding muscles after workouts, and also keep your skin healthy and gorge (aka protects against wrinkles, anti-aging, dehydration, the works).

Golden beets are the secret ingredient to this smoothie. I'm always looking for new ways to get my veggies in smoothies, and while cauliflower in smoothies is all the rage right now, sometimes it doesn't agree with me. My beet kick is still going so strong, so why not? I peeled the beets first, then chopped, measured, and steamed them. Typically I keep them a little raw and crunchy and they blend just fine. 

Golden Smoothie Bowl


  • 3/4 - 1 cup frozen mango

  • 1/2-1 frozen banana

  • 1/4 inch turmeric root

  • 1/8 - 1/4 inch ginger root

  • 1/4 t bee pollen (plus more for topping)

  • 1/2 t dry turmeric powder

  • 1/8-1/4 inch dry ginger powder

  • 1/2 t hemp

  • 1 t coconut butter

  • 1/2 c chopped beets, peeled and steamed

  • 1/2 c coconut milk

  • fresh ground pepper

  • fresh squeeze lemon

  • pinch cinnamon


  • passion fruit

  • fresh mango

  • kiwi

  • coconut flakes

  • bee pollen

  • hemp

  • pistachios


First, prepare your beets. While they are steaming, blend together the frozen ingredients and the turmeric and ginger with a little bit of the coconut milk. Add in beets and remaining ingredients. 

Once it is all blended, transfer to bowl and add toppings. I highly recommend not skipping out on the passion fruit as a topping. It brings out the best in all of the other flavors and adds a fun twist on an otherwise earthly smoothie!

*note- I make my smoothies smaller so I can load them up with toppings. If you're looking for a big smoothie, feel free to double this, or use an entire banana and 3/4 c beets