
Read this interview with Joy Williams about her creative process for her latest Album, VENUS.

The word "season" comes up often in conversations in your twenties, it seems. Like any other twenty something today, I've navigated (and am still navigating) through my expectations for life versus the realities of life, who I am versus who I want to be, and how who I was or am is always morphing into something new, everyday, and that's okay. 

I have been a fan of Joy since her CCM days. I guess I feel more connected to her, and this album, because I remember listening to The Civil Wars when it was only a Myspace page and demos. I don't know what she's gone through, but I know in this "season" of mine, I have had to relearn who I am, why I love what I love, and why I love who I love. Coming out of the trenches of unhealthy relationships can create great, beautiful, meaningful art, that passes by entertainment and lights and showmanship and reminds you that you're human. This reason alone is why we create. For some reason, this interview reminded me of that today.