Cozy Day At Home

On Monday morning, my internal clock woke me up at 6:45. Note, that Monday was a Holiday, so I had no agenda for the day. So, I did what any one would do, and just laid there. It was really great. We all need that time of rest, to just relax and not think about anything- no noise, no distractions, not even my phone. (Actually that last one is a lie. I'm pretty sure I was pinning at one point...) It wasn't until about 9:30, when I finally got up and started doing some research. 

It was the coziest morning. The afternoon was filled with soul talks and baking, with a side of bourbon. A friend of mine is launching a new blog, and she uses a lot of bourbon in her recipes. It may or may not be the whole point of the blog. ;) These were chocolate chunk bourbon cookies with sea salt.

(Passes out on floor at the mere thought of the heavenly marriage of chocolate and bourbon...)

I've been working with her to get her blog and branding up and running, and when it goes live, you will definitely see it here!

I hereby give you freedom to do a solid 3o minutes of nothing today. It's good for your soul.