Since my trip to India, I have found the subject of femininity, and what it means to be a woman in today's society, in a lot of my conversations, and have not been able to go a day without it coming up in conversation since moving to Los Angeles. It is likely due to the recent "new feminist" movement, brought on by the #HeforShe campaign, and Emma Watson's epic speech at the UN

This post isn't about feminism, it is about femininityI want to hear your thoughts on what you think femininity is, and how it is viewed by society. This is the first (public) step, in a much larger project happening behind the scenes, evolving on it's own, as I learn and gather more information.

So friends, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the above questions:

Do you think feminine qualities are viewed as "more weak" in society? 

What place do they have in the workplace? 

This question is for men and women alike! Share your thoughts in the comments below. Can't wait to hear! 

Anna Jepson1 Comment